3D Scanning and Printing

This week we needed to scan a 3D object and also design a 3D object and print it.

For the 3D scanning, I used the 123D Catch app on my phone. I took 40 pictures and then created the following 3d capture.

Air Freshener

The STL File can be viewed here and a link to the capture on 123D catch desktop can be viewed here.

For the 3D design, I used OpenSCAD. I created a mini tent.

Tent in OpenSCAD

After designing the tent in OpenSCAD, I imported it into MeshLab as an STL File and saved it with binary encoding.

Tent in MeshLab

I then sent the file to the 3D printer.

Tent Printing Tent in Printer

Once the printer finished, I cleaned the support material off of the tent.

Tent Final
